May 1, 2021 Update: Dance Place has now entered Phase D of our reopening plan.
Dear Dance Place Community,
In response to COVID-19, Dance Place ceased all on-site programming on March 14, 2020, and shifted to virtual platforms to continue supporting artists and stay connected to our community through dance presentations, conversations, classes, and events. Throughout the remainder of 2020, the Dance Place staff, adult and youth dance class teachers, and artists were working, teaching, and presenting from home. In 2021, Dance Place staff, teachers, and artists have been continuing their work from home while also easing into returning to our space and some onsite programs in a carefully considered, safety-minded fashion.
Informed by local government guidelines, health recommendations, industry-specific research, and Dance Place’s unique programming needs, Dance Place is continuing to update and follow a 5-phase reopening plan we developed at the beginning of the pandemic. The phases are labeled Phases A-E to avoid confusion with the numbered phases of local governments.
For the past year we’ve been operating safely with minimal staff on site, spread out throughout our spaces. In the fall we worked with a small group of teaching artists to safely schedule studio use for the filming and broadcasting of several virtual adult and youth classes. Earlier this Winter/Spring, we welcomed artists into our theatre and studio spaces for on-site residencies, rehearsals, and extremely limited-capacity performances. We also began hosting a few in-person youth classes with strict safety measures in place.
After the success of these programs, we have now planned several outdoor physically distant events for the summer. Additionally, over the next few months, we will increase the number of our in-person youth programs and add limited in-person adult classes.
The extensive conversations around safety protocols for participants and staff are ongoing, and we remain flexible and ready to pivot again should District or federal restrictions change. We have implemented systems to monitor symptoms and high-risk activities, and allow contact tracing if necessary, of all participants in our on-site programs, including our in-person youth and adult classes. Thorough mask use is required of everyone at a Dance Place in-person program at any time for any reason. (We occasionally make very limited exceptions to this mask policy for filmed performance with stringent additional safety measures in place, including quarantines, testing, and ventilation.)
Our process of reopening is designed to keep the safety of Dance Place staff, patrons, artists, students, youth, and all other visitors to our space paramount. The plan is designed by a group of staff members who have long been part of our Emergency Preparedness Committee. This committee of interdepartmental staff members meets regularly to inform the policies that create a safe working environment for all at Dance Place. Their collective, deep knowledge of our space and programs are central to our planning.
Additionally, as of this writing, Dance Place is in the hiring process for a Covid Compliance Monitor to ensure the success of the work of the Emergency Preparedness Committee. We encourage all to apply and to pass along this opportunity!
We encourage you to continue reading below, as we provide a visual overview of our entire reopening plan and a list of anticipated questions that you may have. If you have any further questions, please send us an email at
Thank you again for your continued support of Dance Place – we look forward to being able to share space again soon.
– Dance Place
The graphic below shows an overview of our phased reopening plan. Transitions between phases are not determined by calendar dates or passage of time, rather connected to health recommendations and the staff’s knowledge of our spaces. Moving “up” or “forward” in phases will be chronological but is not a one-way process. There is always the possibility of going “back” or “down” a phase as health concerns necessitate. Safety for all of our staff is of utmost importance as Dance Place’s phases progress, no one will be required to be physically present at our spaces for any reason if they do not feel comfortable.

Phase A includes our staff returning to the building for limited onsite work with a reduced capacity of staff members in the office, with heightened cleaning regimens, wearing of masks, and other safety precautions in place.
Phase B includes Dance Place teaching artists who can use studio space for virtual classes and presentations, with heightened cleaning regimens, wearing of masks, and other safety precautions in place.
Phase C will allow artists to be back in the studio for rehearsals, with certain health and safety guidelines in place.
In Phase D, we will see limited capacity audiences come back to the Dance Place Campus for presentations and classes, again, with strict and thorough guidelines in place.
In Phase E, Dance Place programming returns to full capacity. This Phase will feel the most familiar to Dance Place pre-pandemic.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What is the timeline of each phase?
Dance Place will decide when to move between phases based on local laws and guidelines, scientific research and industry-specific research, and Dance Place programming needs. These decisions are not time-based (e.g. each phase lasts one month) but rather fluid and depend on virus concerns. Moving “up” or “forward” in phases will be chronological but is not a one-way process; there is always the possibility of going “back” or “down” a phase as needed.
- How are you making these decisions?
Dance Place’s Emergency Preparedness Committee is working to recommend the parameters and logistics for each phase to Dance Place leadership. The Emergency Preparedness Committee is considering local laws and guidelines, scientific research and industry-specific research, Dance Place programming needs, and the success or challenges of current and past phases when making their recommendations.
- Am I allowed to be outside on the Arts Park or around the building?
The Arts Park and sidewalk are public spaces. You are welcome to visit any public space you wish, but we recommend that you wear a mask and practice physical distancing!
Please note that the Dance Place building is not open to the public, so bathrooms will not be available. The Arts Park water fountain will also be turned off, so bring your own hydration!
- When can I rent out studio space again? What about the Edgewood Arts Center (EAC)?
Limited studio rentals are available in Phase D, but full studio rental capacity will not be up and running until we are in Phase E. Please message to inquire about renting space.
We are working with Edgewood Arts Center management to include the EAC in our reopening plan safely and effectively.
- Who should I contact for more information? Is there a phone number?
Dance Place phones are not operational until further notice. Please email if you have any questions!
- When will in-person adult classes start again?
We are working on some in-person adult classes for the summer session. The remainder of adult classes will remain virtual until Phase E. Keep an eye on our Adult Class Schedule for more information.
- When will in-person youth classes start again?
Some youth classes are currenting running, and more will be added for the summer session. The remainder of youth classes will remain virtual until Phase E. See our Youth Classes page for more information.
- What do in-person classes look like?
All students must complete a pre-arrival questionnaire and have their temperature taken upon arrival. Class sizes are small, and sufficient physical distancing and thorough mask-wearing are enforced. Additionally, we have stringent cleaning and ventilation protocols in place during the additional time we’ve added in between classes. We have based our policies and procedures on local laws and guidelines, scientific research and industry-specific research, and the best practices for keeping our community safe that Dance Place has developed over the past year.
- When will you have performances again?
We have them! Check out our Performances and Events Calendar for information about our virtual performances and our physically distant outdoor performances.